Magazine(Page 400)

Coachella‘s best kept secret is their unofficial stage that sits (not-so) quietly hidden in a cove. Thanks to water guns and high-ish walls, it often is quite literally the coolest part of Coachella (minus the Yuma tent). Anyways, for people trying to avoid a massive crowd, soak up the sun,

We’ve been talking for a little bit about how much we love Espa and her alternative, experimental take on pop music. She recently had a press day out in London, so we had a chance to catch up with her to ask her what exactly we haven’t been able to

Flying Lotus has been gearing up to release the deluxe edition of You’re Dead!, and to prepare, the Los Angeles artist has been uploading some previously unreleased work to his soundcloud. Some of the tracks appear to feature collaborations with Thundercat, and is much needed work for those of us

It’s time to get a little video game-nerdy today, as Soichi Terada is the latest RA mix guest to take the reigns. Terada is best known for his work in the Ape Escape video game series, and his mix follows the influence of electronic composition, and interestingly enough, features only

Night Slugs and Fade 2 Mind artist Manara is the most recent contributor for Fader’s mix series. Meshing a fascinating mix of Indian music and electronic deep cuts, she proves that she’s one of the industry’s most fascinating people on the rise. This past year, she’s created the BBC AZN

James Barr is gearing up to release his latest Friend EP on March 11th. Released under his own record label, Shack Records, the EP will feature collaborative tracks, among other things. According to Barr himself- “I am working with some of the most exciting new vocalists in London who have

While Dave Harrington and Nicolas Jaar‘s Darkside have been on an indefinite hiatus, the boys have reunited to work on Dave Harrington Group, the aforementioned Harrington’s new collaborative project. According to Harrington himself: This record is the result of improvising with different combinations of people, and then processing and re-sculpting

Riton, Brodinski, and Myd have teamed up to remix the spectacular “Rinse and Repeat” track that was released last year. The original track was made for the dancefloor, with it’s trademark Riton style- a pop influenced, radio-worthy (but of course, underrepresented) track that was destined for the success it got.

Com Truise is back, and this time it looks like he’s brought the eighties back with him in his newest rack “Diffraction.” Analog synths bounce throughout the track, reminding of the lighthearted pop mixed in with the experimental style that Com Truise has always gracefully executed. This track will be

Paris-based record label Bromance Records has been steadily becoming one of the best underground labels to emerge within the last couple of years. With their strong and dark aesthetic and their equally well-organized output of music, combined with the incredible talent they have begun to call their own, Manu Barron

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